Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Auburn's Quarterback Cam Newton wins the 76th Heisman Trophy

2010 Heisman Trophy Winner - Cam Newton

The college gridiron has it's 2010 Heisman Trophy winner. Cam Newton named the winner through much controversy over allegations of playing for money an NCAA rule violations. Since, the investigations have not found Cam Newton of any wrong doing, the nomination to the most prestigious award in college football happened and now they have a new member. His play making on the field throwing 2,589 passing yards with 28 touchdowns, 1,409 rushing yards and running into end zone himself 20 times and even catching 42 yards and a touchdown made him the unanimous choice.
Out of the 76 players the have been elected the Heisman winner 31 were quaterbacks.

 Here is a compiled list of all the winners.

Here is my Top 15:

and hometown favorite

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