Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Charlie Sheen and Bob Uecker Baseball Mashup Pics, Videos and Links

Charlie Sheen and Bob Uecker

Wanted to be a little creative and bring these two great baseball men together and show their links to baseball and their similarities in them.  

Charlie Sheen as Rick Vaughn and Bob Uecker as Harry Doyle in "Major League" was a comedic stepping stone for both as actors in a baseball movie. The movie become a classic in the ranks of all time baseball movies. It wasn't the first for Sheen "Eight Men Out" was another classic role as he played as Happy Felsch.

EIGHT MEN OUT: Movie TrailerMovie Trailers, Eight Men Out

Bob Uecker played in Major League I, II and III: Back to the Minors but, he was famous for his Hall of Fame baseball broadcasting. He was the "Voice of the Brewers" which he started in 1971. Take a look at him on the David Letterman Show telling his story!

There is also some relationship with drugs and alcohol albeit there is a difference between the two and how they have handled them. Charlie took the rough road!

Bob taking the funny side and a little safer!

How about side kicks! Charlie had Alan Harper (Jon Cryer) and Angus T. Jones (Jake Harper). Bob Uecker (Harry Doyle) had the infamous Skip Griparis (Monte)

I would like to leave you with a little actual baseball footage!

Ok, Uecker had a career that was void of footage due to a .200 batting average over his career. But, he did help Hank Aaron!

So, I wonder if we will see the both in Major League 4?

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